William Kimberly Pocket Watch
William Kimberly was a silversmith who worked at 35 Crown Street and 7 Fly Market, New York. He advertised in 1795 in The American Mercury for three journeymen that can work at different branches of the gold and silversmith's trade (Ensko, 80). Kimberly relocated to Baltimore in 1804. His working dates are 1790 to 1821.
William Kimberly Pocket Watch
William Kimberly Movement
The watch is engraved WM Kimberly, New York, serial number 31558. Average quality fusee and verge movement with turned baluster pillars and enamel dial (replaced).
The silver pair cases have London assay date mark for 1796-97 and case maker mark "WL" likely William Lewis of London. They also have a King George III export duty mark that was used from 1786 to 1798 and indicates that the tax was paid on the silver cases.
WL Case Maker's Mark
Watch paper by Henry Ham of Portsmouth, N.H. located within the case.
Additional References and recommended reading:
Stephen G.C. Ensko, American Sliversmiths and Their Marks, Dover Publishing, New York, 1983