Walter Ramsey Pocket Watch

Walter Ramsey Pocket Watch

Walter Ramsay Pocket Watch

Raleigh Private Label Watch

Walter Ramsay was trained as a silversmith and watchmaker (likely performing repairs) by John Stedman who died in 1833. Ramsay worked in Raleigh, North Carolina about 1831 to 1840 and then moved to New Bern. Perhaps the partnership implied in the engraved name W.J. Ramsey & Co. was with Stedman. More research needs to be done. 

Southern American Watchmakers

Few watch examples from southern states are known. Also shown on this website are Kentucky examples by Evans Beard of Louisville and George Nichols of Lexington; Virginia examples by Mordecai Miller of Alexandria and William Mitchell of Richmond that has its original American gold case; and Walter Ramsay of Raleigh North Carolina. 

Full plate fusee lever escapement, serial number 10600, with five arm, uncut steel balance and signed dust cap "WH". Liverpool, England movement engraved W.J. Ramsay & Co Raleigh N.C. and "LEVER" and "PATENT" on the balance table. Silver consular case with Chester date mark for 1831-32 and case maker mark “JLS” for Jacob Lewis Samuel. See watches by L.B. Terry and E.C. Beard for other examples of the JLS mark. 

American Pocket Watches

JLS Case Maker's Mark

Early American Pocket Watches

Dust Cap Maker Initials W.H.